FA & I: Celebrating 25 years together
My diagnosis
My scoliosis
Muscle Spasm
Using a wheelchair
My powerchair
My Speech
NHS Wheelchair Services
Foot surgery
Using a catheter
My diabetes
As FA progresses
Living with depression
Ataxia UK Coventry and Warwickshire Support Group
Independent Living
Getting the care I need
Using a hoist
My Hive
Taking CoQ10
Using my computer
Using public transport
The Open University
Working life
Travels in the UK
Walt Disney World

Please say hello, let me know that you've been here...
My guestbook
Last updated: October 2018

Taking CoQ10

After seeing many benefits after taking CoQ10 during an Ataxia UK trial when I was 17 I continued to take them. I saw improvements in my speech, fatigue and general coordination and as well as this my heart condition has remained very mild. I very sadly had to stop taking it when I was diagnosed with diabetes as it raised my blood sugar. However I am hoping this problem is specific to the brand of CoQ10 I was taking as I spoke to another brand called Pharma Nord who said "the British JournalĀ piece on Ubiquinone Q10 and diabetes pointed to a number of different clinical studies which showed how Type 2 diabetes sufferers who took Ubiquinone Q10 supplements of between 100mg and 200mg a day over a two to three-month period saw their conditions improve." (see https://www.pharmanord.co.uk/news/in-the-news/supplement-can-help-manage-type-2-diabetes for more). So in September 2018 I was excited to give them another shot - watch this spaceā€¦


This website has been around sinse 1998, and although it's changed a lot over the years it's always been about me and my disability. Over the years I have used many different hosts and website design packages. For the past ten years or so I have used 1&1 as my host and I have always been very happy with it. I have always wanted to learn how to build a website from scratch using Adobe Dreamweaver, so about three years ago I got in touch with Polar Solutions and arranged for a trainer to come out to my home to teach me at my own pace. So I now design this website using Adobe Dreamweaver and the skills I learned on that course. I designed the buttons using Cool Text.